Once you present your strong Biblical case for God the Father not having a physical body, they may say…
I Believe the Bible as far as it has been translated correctly.
When any Mormon makes this statement they really mean anything that contradicts my beliefs, the Bible must have not been translated correctly. For many that grew up in the LDS church, this is what they have been taught and they haven’t thought it through.
First they don’t have any evidence that demonstrates the Bible has been translated incorrectly. Simply ask them, what is your evidence? Second they misunderstand how the Bible was put together. They think translations came about similar to the way we play the game of telephone; where you pass the message down a line of people and when it reaches the last person it never sounds anything like what you started with. Just ask them how many translations has there been? They will say they have no clue. The answer: Only one – Original Greek and Hebrew have been translated to English (or whatever language).
Once response I use is to tell them, “I believe the exact same thing. I would never trust a Bible if it wasn’t translated correctly. Yet we have great evidence the Bible is 99% pure and only has minor problems. Scholars say the errors are so small, no doctrine of Christianity has been compromised.” By this statement you can diffuse their assertion. Paul writing in 2 Tim. 3:16“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” The Bible says all Scripture is from God. God has supernaturally preserved the truthful translation of the Bible. We can trust the Bible we have in our hands today.
Many times when you reach this issue, your Mormon friends are ready to give up on converting you. Once they leave and don’t come back you may feel frustrated that the discussions weren’t more productive. However, sharing your faith is never a waste of time; it is what Jesus commanded us to do. The Holy Spirit may or may not change the person you are talking to but God will always change you. Each time you share your faith, you will never be the same. Sharing Jesus is the greatest adventure in the Christian faith and all of us need to climb aboard and get into more spiritual conversations. Challenge Mormons that come to your door on the issue does God the Father have a physical body and let God do the rest. God will honor your efforts.