About Us

Biblical Worldview Academy: Discipleship group Steve Bruecker – Leader Credentials: Ministry

  • Masters Degree Christian Apologetics – Biola University La Mirada CA
  • Associate pastor Mission Hills Church San Marcos CA almost 3 years
  • Speaker on a variety of Biblical and apologetic topics at various churches and secular organizations –   topics such as: problem of evil, weaknesses of evolution, answering tough questions, evidence for the resurrection, Biblical proofs for the Trinity, reliability of the Bible, sharing with the person at your door, etc.


  • Masters Degree Administration of Physical Education
  • Middle School Physical education teacher 33 years
  • Retired from teaching PE June 2011
  • Physical Activity Coordinator for the NIH HEALTHY study 2003-2009
  • National workshop trainer and lecturer on quality physical education
  • 1999 National Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year
  • Professional Close-up Magician
  • Currently teaching a methods class in physical education at Cal State San Marcos 2017 – 2018

Members of the BWA discipleship group:

  1. Todd Willer
  2. Brady Cahill
  3. Nathan Orr
  4. Dylan Valenzuela
  5. Alex Dalley

The purpose of the academy is to equip Christians to make a thoughtful defense of their faith in the public square. The content for the defense will come from the Bible, philosophy, science, historical writings, and archaeology.

Objectives of the Biblical Worldview Academy

Equip followers of Jesus Christ to…

  1. Know the basic beliefs of the Christian Worldview
  2. Understand why they believe what they believe
  3. Intelligently engage in spiritual conversations
  4. Share their beliefs with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15)
  5. Understand beliefs of other worldviews
Do Objective Morals Exist?
Answering Tough Questions
Counting the Cost
Is God the Author of the Bible?
God’s Holiness and Love Wins
Ministering to Mormons in Utah
Challenging a Jehovah’s Witness
What Ever Happened to Hell?
Accurately Interpreting the Scriptures
Understanding the Christian Worldview
Accused of Partnering in Wickedness
Set Apart Christ as Lord
Sharing with Knowledge & Wisdom
Becoming a Good Ambassador for Christ
How to Persuade Others

Video Introduction

Exposing the Deceit of the Watchtower Organization
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