- Part 1 Discovering the Historical Jesus
- Part 2 Assessing the critics of the historical Jesus
- Part 3 What sources outside the Bible support the Biblical Jesus
- Part 4 Did the writings of Josephus support the historical Jesus
- Part 5 How did Cornelius Tacitus support the Biblical Jesus
- Part 6 How did Pliny the Younger support the Biblical Jesus
- Part 7 Does archeology support the Biblical Jesus
- Part 8 How does archeology support the New Testament
- Part 9 What archeological finds show the Bible to be unreliable?
- Part 10 How does the dating of the texts support the reliability of the Bible?
- Part 11 How does the number of manuscripts support the Bible?
- Part 12 How do the testimonies of the writers support the Bible?
- Part 13 Summarizing the evidence in support of the historical/Biblical Jesus
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